Gallery of the Extra Ordinary

Gallery of the Extra Ordinary Gift Basket Information Form

In order to insure that the custom basket we are about to create for you, it is important that you give us as much information as possible, about the recipient. Please fill out the following information as completely as possible.

A customer service representative will contact you to discuss and finalize your custom order, payment & shipping details.

The Extra Ordinary Gallery is a collection of unusual things and arrangements from many people and places, that we believe have one thing in common. They are each extraordinary in their own way.

Many of the materials that are used are repurposed and/or recycled. So just as you read when you purchase a pair of jeans or denim materials, flaws are all part of this art and should be expected and embraced. You will note, we frequently use drought resistant plants such as succulents, in our arrangements.

The Extra Ordinary Gallery is home to living plant fairy gardens/tiny terrariums for the desk, home, gifts, coffee table or reception desk. Some are fun, some are funny, some spiritual, and some sports to name a few – the sky is the limit for themes. We also offer one-of- a- kind oddities that have nothing else with them like plants, candies or candles. Just their unusual, adorable selves.

We are a mobile retail shop and will be located for Christmas at 13665 Santa Theresa, San Martin, CA. This spring we will have a route through Morgan Hill, CA -our home town.

We also offer Extra Ordinary Party Planning with plenty of custom touches.

Everything at Extra Ordinary Gallery is family oriented and tasteful. These are great little gifts for any day. Admin Day, Happy Day, Sad Day, Holiday, Holy Day, Birthday, Pay Day, I love my Dentist Day.

And if you are interested in a custom basket arrangement, we do that too! For that special someone or event.

Please enjoy our slide presentation that follows and we hope you will call us soon. We are transforming cubicles and other small spaces in America, one-by-one!

Julia Hutton, Founder/CEO -
